So, a lot of things have changes in the 2 years I've been gone.
That Steampunk Christmas story? Finished it, and shopped it around but got nothing but rejection letters. Specifically, I got form letter rejections. Which is no good. So that story went on the shelf. I may bring it down someday to re-work it, but I suspect not. It's probably not very good. Just too dark to be a solid Christmas story.
Also, I've kinda stopped writing anything steampunk. And by kinda I mean I have stopped writing it completely. The reasons are actually pretty simple- it was the community. Specifically, how that community treated writers. And that was poorly.
I won't name specific people or groups, because that's rude, but I'll just say that having been banned from groups for offering a counter opinion, and being told repeatedly that what I was writing "wasn't real steampunk" I got tired of the flak and stopped interacting with the fan base but kept writing. However, I would talk with other writers about my experience, and find that they were going through the same thing. Being kicked out of groups and being told repeatedly that what they were doing wasn't steampunk.
After that, I just stopped. What's the point of writing something for a group that has no interest in it? I can't see it.
Now, does that mean I quit writing altogether? Hell no!
In fact, you can read my latest short over at Freedom Fiction Magazine. Here's a link:
It's good stuff. It's about a detective who lives in a super hero world where the fix is in, and heroes get away with murder. Or at least try to. I've got a few other stories like that floating around, waiting to get picked up or rejected. I've also just finished a short novel. Which is pretty cool.
Also, I moved out of Austin. It was a hard choice, but one we had to make. We wanted to be closer to family for our boys- oh, yeah, I had a 2nd son. That's new too.. Anyway, we wanted to be closer to family. As cool as Austin is, it's not as cool as having the grandparents babysit.
So, yeah. Big changes. Am I still writing steampunk? Nope! Am I still writing? Oh yeah!
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