Sorry for the dissappearing act. My wife and I had a baby!
Yes, it's our first and we're super excited. I also get very little writing done as most of my time is spent changing diapers, calming baby, or doing the dishes. All fatherly sort of chores in the first month of my son's life, but it doesn't seem too manly.
But that's really the sacrafice we make when it comes to life and children isn't it? We can spend time on our careers, to make more money and get them a better life, but it's a life we'll miss. We won't be there to see the series of firsts if we're out making that bank. The flip side is we're always there, but that's at the sacrifice of the career. Which means less money. And less of a life for the kid.
And, I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "But kids don't care about that kind of stuff. They just want to be loved."
Having grown up dirt-ass poor, I can assure you that children do care about that kind of thing, but they don't brnig it up to their parents.
I think that's the real cruix of my fears as a father- that I'll put my son through the same crap I had to go through. I see it with other parents all the time. Sending their children to places and activites because they had to do it, even though they hated it.
As an example- a friend of mine just had a baby girl. She's not a religious woman. She's even spoken out about the hypocrasy of the church, and how she doesn't like the institution of the church. But she's taking her daughter to be babtized, and has already told me how she plans to take her to church every Sunday.
Which doesn't make any sense to me- why do that? Why take your child to something you have actively dissapproved of and spoken out against? You're the adult. You don't have to put your kid through the things you hated.
I guess I'll just have to muddle through it, and when the boy turns 18 ask him how I did.
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