Well, I've started it. A tale of super hero-ness.
Well, not really. It's set in a world of super heroes. And he wants to be one. He's got the powers and everything. It's just set in a more realistic world.
Why does everyone cringe when any one says "setting the hero in a more realistic world"?
Because, generally, that is pretty cringe worthy. Usually the writer forgets to bring in the bits about super heroes we love- the super heroics, and it's a lot of whining about their job. Which we can get plenty of that at home, so why buy a story about it?
Don't worry, plenty of heroics. Lots of laser breathing penguins. Inter dimensional threats. a plot to destroy the world. Giant Lizard robots. sled dog robots. A Hammer of Justice.
No, this is more realistic in how I think a world of super heroes would be. It would be like professional wrestling mixed with major league baseball. Trading cards, product endorsements, and big money contracts. They'd have twitter accounts. Reality TV shows.
The whole media thing.
The matches would be fixed. They would arrange betrayls and double crosses well ahead of time. Images would be marketed, and product lines in place. Product ready to be shipped. People would willingly believe their heroes were geniune rather than another facet of the entertainment machine.
That's what I mean by real.
Oh, and this guy is going to have to deal with cancer. because this all started with the thought, "What if Superman's mom got cancer? He can't punch cancer."
This story has been burning to get out of my head for weeks now. I am going to rip through this thing like...the French through cheese! The English through tea! American's through transfats!